180 Stocks : Day 18

Today I wanted to study KCP Sugars. It is supposed to be more of a commodity and cyclical play. But it required too much data to process and make sense off. Thus even after collecting many of the pieces and articles related to KCP Sugars, I decided to postpone it and end the day with something simpler.

I screened for companies which had an average growth of more than 20% in atleast 5 years in the last decade. It was an impressive list and most of the multi-baggers (where PE got re-rated) were in the list (along with many not-so-good names). I sorted the list on PE, excluded large caps and did a quick scan of initial names.

Most of the companies were government companies. I skipped over them. Most others were textile related. One that did attract a little was Ganesha Ecosphere. It has an interesting business of "recycling of post consumer PET bottle waste into Recycled Poyester Staple Fibre (RPSF)."

The annual reports were fairly detailed. What quickly drove me away was consistent equity dilution, promoters pledging, high debt (with scope for more borrowing in future) and low tax.