180 Stocks : Day 27

I continued with Philip Fisher's 15 point checklist today.

The first point is "potential to make possible a sizable increase in sales." Fisher suggests finding companies which have been growing in past. For this he recommends to check for growth in blocks (and not on year-on-year basis).

growth should not be judged on annual basis but, say, by taking units of several years each.

I took the 9 years historical data and computed a list of companies having sales growth of over 20% in the blocks of 3 years each. I filtered the list to restrict the stocks upto PE of 15 and debt to equity ratios of less than 0.75.

Browsed through the annual reports of few of them, but in most cases it was some one-off item. Few names that looked interesting are Somany Ceramics and Global Spirits.

Will try to look at these and few other names over the next few days.